Saturday, May 10, 2008

Moodle (week 5; lessons 9-11)

Once again I can see much potential in this week's topic (Moodles). Clearly this would be a perfect place to create an online course. I'm thinking this would be a good place for me to try posting my Senior Seminar class. Right now I have all of the assignments on a CD that I give the kids. Most of them put them on a jump drive but there are still a few problems with some students not having jump drives or losing them.

If I had it all on line they could always access the course content from wherever they happen to be. Also if they were absent they could just look at the class calendar and keep on going much like I've been doing in this class.

I also like the idea that I could update or modify assignments as necessary without having to get the new data to everyone in the class.

1 comment:

Poison Shirt said...

We could make that happen - get you a moodle class set up for Senior Seminar. I'd be happy to help you get it started. Students can turn in their documents online as well - giving you all less printed paper (until it's perfect and ready for their final portfolio) and serving as a backup copy in case anything gets lost.