I believe I will use the questions you posed in this assignment as my structure for summarizing my experience. But first let me say, "I'm done!"
What were my favorite discoveries/exercises?
The Blog, Page Flakes, Moodle, Wiki, United Streaming, LCSD Library, Flikr, Image Generator, Google Maps
How has class affected lifelong learning goals?
It has helped to break me out of a rut. I'm more aware of the vast and varied resources "out there". I also think that struggling through all this new software has given me valuable practice hours and has greatly increased my enthusiasm, confidence, and patience for tackling new technological challenges as they stir my curiosity or interest. I will go into the future more likely to embrace new technology and less likely to avoid it.
How do the tools introduced aid lifelong learning or the development of professional learning communities?
Well for one thing it is a reminder that learning and mastering new things carries an excitement and reward all its own. I'm inspired and reinvigorated about technology and, by extension, learning in general. That's a good thing when you are in the business of teaching. We live in such a quickly changing world that to avoid learning new technology is to be left behind. I think we owe it to our students and ourselves to be as current as we are able with regard to technology. As a community of learners I feel we need to keep up with if not ahead of the students if we are to maintain the educational leadership that is so important to our effectiveness.
Were there any unexpected take-aways or outcomes for me?
I'd have to say that it was a pleasant surprise to find that I could work my way through most of the exercises without too much help. The content of the class exposed me to many things that I plan to take advantage of as the opportunity arises.
What could the class be changed to improve upon the format or concept?
I honestly don't feel anything needs to be changed. I appreciated being able to work at my own speed. I felt the support was outstanding--I even got quick answers last Sunday when I was jamming to finish. I would/will recommend this course to others.
If you offered another program like this would I participate?
Thanks for the class
Monday, June 23, 2008
#22 Google Maps
I spent allot of time on this lesson and found it fascinating. I checked out all the links on the lesson page and spent several hours putting together this simple map. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=113995169612672537223.0004505bf5636f561a921&z=19 Try as I might, I was unable to get a picture pasted in any of the place marks. I tried the "rich text" route, pasting URLs and I tried the HTML route dragging the photos in. Nothing seemed to work. Maybe sometime you can take a look and figure out where I'm going wrong. Its a pretty cool technology, though.
#21 Rollyo
Quite a site. I think I will use this. Good way to make a search more efficient and be able to take advantage of what other people have found useful. I also like the idea of being able to group the sites that I use into categories. Great concept. I buy most of my books on line so I put together a search list of the vendors I tend to use. http://rollyo.com/mcarrigan39/booksellers_i_use/
Sunday, June 22, 2008
#19 Image Generator

Now here is an area where a person can spend some time. I was blown away by how many different generators are out there. I played around with the Star Wars Crawl one for awhile and checked out the other sites you suggested. There are some pretty funny ones. In the end I decided to post to this entry on my blog a photo that is made to look like it is old time. This particular photo is of Joanne and I around a campfire on a horse camping trip a couple years ago up along West Cady Ridge in the Index area of the Cascades.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
#18 Flickr
Really enjoyed looking around the site. Think this might be a great place to post family pictures rather than having everybody emailing them back and forth.
I picked this photo of a rock climber http://www.flickr.com/photos/jandiro/2230249683/ to comment on because it is one thing I've never been tempted to try. In fact I have never even been able to understand why anyone would want to do this to themselves. I know and can relate to all the arguments about the challenge and the adrenaline and the adventure but it is still beyond me why anyone would choose this particular sport.
I picked this photo of a rock climber http://www.flickr.com/photos/jandiro/2230249683/ to comment on because it is one thing I've never been tempted to try. In fact I have never even been able to understand why anyone would want to do this to themselves. I know and can relate to all the arguments about the challenge and the adrenaline and the adventure but it is still beyond me why anyone would choose this particular sport.
#20 Newsletter in LetterPop
I am waiting for an email from LetterPop activating my account so I can put together a newsletter. More later. 6/21
6/22. Well, Beth let me log on using her information and I was able to play around with building a news letter. I worked on a flyer with information about my carving class but didn't really have enough pictures of the kids to make it work. I ended up doing a simple flyer about our annual family camp out and here is a link to it. http://letterpop.com/builder.php?newsletter_id=91178
6/22. Well, Beth let me log on using her information and I was able to play around with building a news letter. I worked on a flyer with information about my carving class but didn't really have enough pictures of the kids to make it work. I ended up doing a simple flyer about our annual family camp out and here is a link to it. http://letterpop.com/builder.php?newsletter_id=91178
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Lesson # 17 (Swivel and data analysis)
This looks like a site with alot of potential if you can find the data set you are looking for or if you have a set of data to analyse. I was going to try to upload something from my computer but realized that all my data files have student names included in them and I didn't want to post that information "out there" even though there would be no real way for anyone to track the names.
I can see this site being really useful in conjunction with a student research project or as a source of slides for a Power Point presentation. Its pretty cool to be able to rearrange the way the data can be viewed.
I spent most of my time on comparing gas prices over the last few years, the number of shark attacks in the U.S., and a look at the higest paid athletes.
I can see this site being really useful in conjunction with a student research project or as a source of slides for a Power Point presentation. Its pretty cool to be able to rearrange the way the data can be viewed.
I spent most of my time on comparing gas prices over the last few years, the number of shark attacks in the U.S., and a look at the higest paid athletes.
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